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George Washington Habeas Hippopotamus Invitational: October 16-18 Empty George Washington Habeas Hippopotamus Invitational: October 16-18

Thu Jul 23, 2020 11:08 pm
George Washington University Mock Trial cordially invites you to the Habeas Hippopotamus Invitational. Named for our unofficial mascot, the Habeas Hippopotamus will be taking place on October 16-18, via Zoom. 

The cost is $100 to attend, and each school may register a maximum of two teams. 

Every team that attends will be responsible for providing one judge for each round. Judges may be coaches, actual judges, attorneys, or law school students with mock experience. 

We're planning on hosting a very large field. Our goal is to give as many teams as possible a chance to practice in an online setting like the AMTA season will be. The current plan is to host 64 teams, though that number may increase. Assuming that there is sufficient interest, teams will be split into four divisions, with the division winners participating in a final round on Sunday afternoon to determine placing. As a result, this will be a 1-2-2 tournament, with only division winners participating in the second round on Sunday, similar to the AMTA NCT.

If there is interest, we'll be gathering data on what types of online presentations score the best, and we'll share that data with all the participants. 

Please use the reservation link below if you plan to attend. Registration will be first come, first serve, and we expect it to fill up quickly.

Please email if you have any questions.
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