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Join date : 2023-09-30

Ode to Bays Empty Ode to Bays

Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:01 am
Ode to Bays

Dear Elizabeth Bays, I will always honor you as the god of mock. I can look down the halls of championship winners, see that you were a contender as a sophomore. Most sophomores are barely hoping wishing to get on A. You were contending for the heismenn trophy. Already a Great. Already a legend the likes of which Ian Lampert and many others already were. As a SOPHOMORE!!!!!!! Big exclamation point for those who fail to realize. Ignorant ones. Your junior year, your students, your prodigies, had to pick up the mantle for judges with stylistic differences, your teachings alone, much less yourself, was enough to elevate them to greatness, godliness almost. There never was a year your program did not touch the final round while you were there. You showed me what it means for mock godliness to exist. I look upon the halls of past champions across the country and see one blank that stands above all. Many will call 2019 many bad names. Few will recognize the genius displayed in 2019. Few have ever called their own witness hostile. Few had Andy park state case theory ideas no one else did. Few got so close to the barriers AMTA rules put in place, they had to redefine the rules for years to come. Elizabeth, should you look upon the names of past champions, no other great could ever look upon the halls of greatness and see “No Winner Declared”. A feat so great RULES HAD TO BE REDEFINED. THE MOCK GODS HAD TO REDEFINE THE RULES!!!! Many wish to even be amongst the champions and honorable mentioned. The haters will have to say you cheated. Apparently so much so, AMTA itself had to redefine what its rules were and implement methods to make them clear, because as they were, they could be broken. You changed the game. Forever. You made your program legendary. More so than it already was. Godliness can be the only word used to describe what happened in your program while you were there. Imagine being so feared your prodigies had to handle shit for you 2018. Outperform every other program no matter if you’re LA. Eazy E Real Gs & 2pac hit ‘em up 2nd verse type shit. You will forever be a mock legend. Greater than the rest. A prime example of intellect being enough to drive your team to the top. Intellect being enough for mock godliness. No matter if you’re Ben Wallace.

Very very few have ever touched the final round twice.

I separated that shit for you hater ass bitches. The few that have, even lampert couldnt leave without redefining the rules the mock gods have put in place for years to come. No matter how many Royce Halls doors he opened. You were naturally feared while you were around. Top level teams had to prepare just for you. You were well known and famous. Because everyone knew what your intellect could do. You will forever remain a mock goddess in my books. My mock crush. And the girl whom I have deemed more valuable than 100 other girls in terms of everything. I would deem it a great honor just to watch you perform again:’)
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Join date : 2023-09-30

Ode to Bays Empty Re: Ode to Bays

Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:03 am
Pew pew:)
Posts : 2
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Join date : 2023-01-26

Ode to Bays Empty Re: Ode to Bays

Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:55 pm
Good grief, take it to a publisher Ode to Bays 1f62d
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