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International Mock Trial Judging Opportunity (9/15-17/23)  Empty International Mock Trial Judging Opportunity (9/15-17/23)

Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:16 pm
Hi! Quick announcement--we're hosting an online international mock trial tournament for 8th-12th graders. Round 1 is at 6 PM Pacific (Friday, 9/15), Rounds 2 and 3 at 6 AM and 6 PM (Saturday, 9/16), and Round 4 at 6 AM (Sunday, 9/17).

It's Rookie Rumble/MockOn TOC rules (two witnesses per side).

Any mock alum out of high school is eligible to judge. It's a 100% free/zero cost/volunteer tournament. We expect 12-16 teams at this opening competition.

If you're an experienced mocker, the students would love your feedback. Even if you're less experienced, judging mock is a great way to get better at the mock trial game--you see what actually matters to you, refining your sense of what a '10' should look like. We also let teams nominate outstanding judges based on your verbal and written feedback to incentivize thoughtful ballots.

If you're interested in judging, here's the registration/information page:
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