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Community College Clash (December 9-10, 2023) Empty Community College Clash (December 9-10, 2023)

Sat Oct 14, 2023 7:26 pm

Despite the fact that community college attendance is rising, AMTA hosts a very small number of two-year/vocational/technical colleges.

Community college persistence and achievement are linked with key psychological factors (like motivation and engagement).

To help the growing number of community college students connect with an activity that creates a lot of motivation and engagement. we're proud to have completed our October Community College Clash competition earlier today.

We have another one in December. It's on the 9th and 10th.

If you want to judge (open to AMTA seniors or graduates/lawyers), here's the form.
If you want to compete (see here), here's the form.

I'm grateful to the AMTA board for approving this project. The more community involvement and growth we see, the greater chance this FREE/ONLINE tournament series will be here to stay.

Please spread the word. A strong CC circuit benefits everyone.


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